Punish yourself for wasting your life on Facebook

Test yourself whether Facebook steals your life or not.
Take control on your digital addiction or pay the $1 daily fee for the lack of self-awareness

Download Timewaste Timer it’s free We don’t support your browser yet.
Please use Google Chrome for Desktop to test our app.
Download Timewaste Timer it’s free by clicking you accept our EULA
  • The Next Web
  • Wired
  • Business Insider
  • Stern
  • The Huffington Post

How it works

  1. You download and install our browser add-on to track your Facebook usage (now available for Google Chrome only)
  2. You put $5 on your Timewasting Deposit Account
  3. Each time you use Facebook more than 1 hour per day, we charge $1 from your Timewasting Deposit Account
  4. If it doesn’t help, you might pay another $5 or just run away
  5. We will use your money to help more people to fight information overload and digital distractions (Yes, you can just pay $5 to support us)
Download Timewaste Timer it’s free We don’t support your browser yet.
Please use Google Chrome for Desktop to test our app.

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